Flame Dashboard

Flame Dashboard

Flame is a self-hosted Startpage for your server. Easily manage your apps and bookmarks with built-in editors. https://github.com/pawelmalak/flame


  • 📝 Create, update, and delete your applications and bookmarks directly from the app using built-in GUI editors
  • 📌 Pin your favorite items to the home screen for quick and easy access
  • 🔍 Integrated search bar with local filtering, 11 web search providers, and ability to add your own
  • 🔑 Authentication system to protect your settings, apps, and bookmarks
  • 🔨 Dozens of options to customize the Flame interface to your needs, including support for custom CSS, 15 built-in color themes, and a custom theme builder
  • ☀️ Weather widget with current temperature, cloud coverage, and animated weather status
  • 🐳 Docker integration to automatically pick and add apps based on their labels


Using Docker-compose

version: '3'
    image: pawelmalak/flame
    container_name: flame
    restart: unless-stopped
      - flame_data:/app/data
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      - 5005:5005
      - PASSWORD="password"


As soon as you complete the docker deploying and login in with the password you should be able to see these URLs to add applications and also Bookmarks.

Each Application can be added from the UI, with details and it allows to upload a custom icon for display.

Flame gives you full control with themes, and custom CSS, also it can pick up docker containers based on custom tags that are referred to.


  1. Dashy - The Ultimate Homepage for your Homelab
  2. Homer - A dead simple static HOMepage for your servER to keep your services on hand, from a simple YAML configuration file.
  3. Heimdall - Heimdall Application Dashboard is a dashboard for all your web applications. It doesn't need to be limited to applications though, you can add links to anything you like.
  4. DashMachine - Another web application bookmark dashboard, with fun features.